• Yes, for citizens of the United States, we recommend obtaining a visa for China. Information on how to apply for a Visa here: http://us.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/lsfw/zj/qz2021/202309/t20230919_11144908.htm

  • You may RSVP at any time and the deadline will be listed on the formal invitation.

    However, we ask that if you know for certain you cannot make it to the wedding, please kindly let us know ASAP for planning purposes.

  • There are several apps that we recommend downloading prior to arriving in Beijing:

    1) Google Translate; the "Camera" function allows you to translate text through your phone camera and makes reading fairly simple. The text translate feature can be useful when trying to communicate with people in China.

    2) Alipay; you can link an American credit card to your Alipay account. This is the most popular payment method in China and will be accepted everywhere. Cash is also accepted. Alipay is also able to pay for subway rides.

    3) WeChat; tickets to some events and pages for local businesses are often run through WeChat. There is also a payment function.

    4) Didi Rider; Uber is not available in China.

    5) AMap Global (formally Gaode); This is the best map app to download for China, they now have an English version.

  • 1) The Welcome Dinner will be festive attire

    2) The Wedding Ceremony and Reception will be Black Tie Optional

    3) The Goodbye Brunch will be casual attire

    4) We recommend comfortable clothing and good shoes for the Great Wall and the Forbidden City

  • See Events page

  • See Events page

  • While we love all of your children, we are keeping these events limited to the guests listed on each invite

  • See Accommodations page

  • We appreciate your generosity, however, your presence is the greatest gift.

  • See Things To Do page

  • See Things To Do page. Please bring your passports with you while visiting official sites.

  • The ceremony is outdoors in the garden and the reception is indoors. It might be chilly in the afternoon during October so please plan accordingly.

  • Beijing has two major airports - Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) and Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX). PEK is a 30 minute drive to the area of the wedding events and PKX is around 1 hour.

  • It is typical for Beijing to be anywhere from mid-40s to mid-70s (fahrenheit) during October. Please note that it will be cooler at the Great Wall than in the city.

  • Traditional Chinese weddings are family style for the reception. There should be something available for everyone. However, if you have an allergy, please let us know in your RSVP

  • It is common for brides to wear red and white for the wedding so please avoid these colors.

  • We recommend only drinking water from bottled sources. While the tap water in Beijing is safe, there are different bacteria in every region of the world that may upset your stomach. Please also be careful while brushing your teeth.

  • It is not recommended to eat fresh or uncooked fruits or vegetables outside of the hotel (salads mostly). When vegetables are cleaned they can be cleaned with water that may upset your stomach. See FAQ about drinking tap water above. In many cases fresh fruit and vegetables from inside the hotel are safe to eat.

    Street foods are delicious in Beijing, but please use discretion as there are spices and ingredients that may upset your stomach if you are not accustomed to it.

  • Feel free to email kylesfavoritesong@gmail.com or text Grace or Kyle with any questions you have